MessagePlus mobile texting system could prove popular with consumers

Mobile phones

mobile.pngLogicaCMG have unveiled an extension to the hugely popular mobile SMS text messaging facility called MessagePlus, which they claim contains features that many users want and would be prepared to pay for – 70% of customers according to a recent MORI poll. They also say that mobile operators will like the system because it breeds consumer loyalty and generates cash.

Text messaging is expected to continue to grow in popularity until at least 2010, but it has remained largely a simple and static medium with few features. MessagePlus aims to change that.

Three of the innovations MessagePlus offers are:

Auto-Reply: Users can create an SMS alternative to an ‘out of office’ reply and use that to field incoming text messages. A business user might leave alternative contact details whilst a personal user might tell their mates that their battery is running low.

Auto-Copy: Users can elect to have text messages copied directly to an email account.

Sponsored Messaging: Users could send cheaper text messages in return for allowing the operator to add adverts to their message (oh joy)

The system is supposed to integrate easily into an existing SMS service. What do you think? Would you use (and pay for) services like this?

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Andy Merrett
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One thought on “MessagePlus mobile texting system could prove popular with consumers

  • Radio stations are already offering free texts to their listeners in exchange for reading advertisements in the text.

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