Hands-Free Sheet Music Library and Page Turner



The liquid crystal age has finally caught up with classical musicians, providing us with The Hands-Free Sheet Music Library And Page Turner. It has 128 megs of built in memory, and comes with a (presumbly expandable or replaceable) 128 meg USB module which can hold digitized or natively digital music sheets, which you can navigate through either via the touch screen or the foot pedal. It also has a rechargable battery, good for 3 hours of cordless battery life. It’s also a MIDI player, metronome, pitch pipe, MP3 player and waffle maker. (Well, I made up one of those.) At only 2 kilos (versus the insane poundage of that volume of actual books!) and $1400 USD, you’ll probably save yourself a lot of aeons in Purgatory if you get it for your favourite musician. [GT]

The Hands-Free Sheet Music Library And Page Turner [via The Raw Feed

Gabrielle Taylor
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