YouTube plans free to view music video downloads

Computers, Tech Digest news, Websites

Admittedly, most of the music videos you’re looking for are probably on YouTube already. Nonetheless, the company is said to be in negotations with record labels to post their music videos online, part of the site’s plans to expand from a community web site to becoming a legitimate distributor of commercial video clips, amongst other things.

YouTube wants to obtain the rights to post music videos on the site that will be free to download, possibly supported by ad-based revenue. According to co-founder Steve Chen: "What we really want to do is in six to 12 months, maybe 18 months, to have every music video ever created up on YouTube. We’re trying to bring in as much of this content as we can on to the site."

If successful, as well as offering better quality clips, it would provide stiff competition for pay sites, such as Apple’s iTunes and AOL Music. Unofficially, it’s happening already, with YouTube claiming that 60 per cent of videos watched online are delivered through its site – many featuring copyrighted material, despite YouTube’s policy of taking down pirated content upon notification.

YouTube website

Via The Register

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