Shortcut to ClipBook Viewer

Propellerhead Top Tip

Here’s another one of those hidden features in Windows XP that are actually quite useful, except that Microsoft forget to tell anyone that was there… It’s called the ClipBook Viewer and old Windows hands may remember something similar in Windows 98, called the Clipboard Viewer. Basically it shows you whatever is currently stored in the Windows Clipboard, be it a chunk of text, image or a file. Unless you know where to look for it ClipBook Viewer remains behind the scenes, so this simple little tip from Propellerhead brings it out into the open and puts it on your desktop, as a shortcut.

All you have to do is right-click onto an empty part of the Desktop and select New > Shortcut. In the Location box type or copy and paste the following: C:WINDOWSsystem32clipbrd.exe, click Next then give it a name and it’s ready to use. There’s a full archive of tips and tweaks, plus all of the very best freeware tools and utilities at PCTopTips

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