Weekly YouTube Round-Up

Tech Digest news

Starting a new weekly feature here at Tech Digest, I’ve rounded up several hot picks from YouTube, starting with a few games-related videos in honour of our favourite time of the year, E3 time! Put that N64 controller away and click on the links below for a few chuckles. You deserve it after all those long, tedious hours of playing Killer 7.  [Katherine Hannaford]

Nintendo VIPs Playing Tennis On Wii At E3 (Shigsy So Groovy, Swoon)
Kiddywink Receives N64 For Christmas, Almost Self-Combusts With N64 Glee
Super Mario Bros. In A Corny What-Will-Those-Crazy-Japanese-Do-Next? Real-Life Format
Star Trek Cribs – The Director’s Cut
Hamster Undoubtedly On Crack, Doing Retarded Backflips
Lame-o David Blaine’s Failed Attempt At Holding His Breath Underwater For 9 Minutes

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