Britons know little of new technology


Do you know what a BlackBerry is? Well done – that puts you in an elite group of British society, if the results of a new research are to be believed. Accoridng to a survey by, around half of the population doesn’t know what one is – and almost as many are clueless about other terms and technology, such as podcasting and blogging.

The reason? Well, it seems we’re too afraid to ask. The survey claims 45% of Britons don’t know what a BlackBerry device does, 44% don’t have a clue about podcasting and 41% are in the dark about blogging. And interestingly, 24% are still unsure what MP3 and iPods are all about. And if you’re Scottish it’s worse – they were found to be least capable of asking about technology, with levels of understanding generally lower across the board than the rest of the country.

Don’t despair – here at Tech Digest, we explain all developments in new technology simply and clearly. And if you find you’re having problems with your PC, the resident experts at Propellerhead should be able to sort you out with advice in plain English.

More technology:
Find out about the BlackBerry
The latest MP3 players and accessories

Dave Walker
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