Today's top tech stories from the US


Here’s Tuesday’s fix of Tech stories, stateside:

The wood skinned iPod(dapreview): I think the title and the photo say it all.

The Bestapro MP-1 reviewed(dapreview): A review of what happens when media player meets dictionary.

The Talking Toilet Paper Holder(gizmodo): OK, why not. If my life is lacking one thing, it’s a gadget bog roll holder.

Cingular on the black Razr(gizmodo): Always nice to see an extra refinement to an already cool phone.

Skullcrusher Earphone Headset with Subwoofer(i4u): Great: instead of going through all that tedious simulation of bass sound, why not just stick a subwoofer on your ear. Should be fun.

Magic Mathmos Airswitch Lamps(i4u): Finally, a lighting fixture that lets you pretend you have telekinetic powers.

Wireless BBQ Themometer(engadget): Now you don’t need to be around your food a second longer then necessary, with constant temperature updates sent to a belt mounted screen.

Chris Cornwell
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