AOL to make poverty history?


Being your typical bleeding heart liberal Brits we are all very excited about yesterday’s announcement of Live8, the concert in support of the Make Poverty History campaign. Nice to see that the BBC is straight on the case providing the TV coverage too, but interesting also to note that the event is also going to be screened globally via the internet. Apparently all five Live8 concerts will be broadcast online live and free, on AOL. The gigs will be transmitted through its US, UK, German and French portals, as well as on the site. The concerts will be available as a live stream on the site, alongside additional content. More details on the live online broadcast on AOL site here.

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  • Well you have a fair point. Though we can’t forgive him for that mawkish Candle in the Wind tribute to ‘England’s rose’ can we?

  • Elton John is not “entirely suitable”?

    The same Elton who is renowned among philanthropists for donating a remarkable percentage of his annual income to charity? The Elton who set-up a successful AIDS foundation over 10 years ago? The Elton who has released a number of singles devoted to charitable causes, not to mention participated in the original Live Aid?

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