Nokia to redesign N-Gage


"We’re looking at new colours, a new look and feel for the QD in the next few months" said Gerard Wiener, Nokia at the Games Developers’ Conference in San Francisco. Web rumours are also positing potentially upgrades to the N-Gage’s connectivity and a US price reduction for the handset.

Simon M Games Digest

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  • what? just a redesign? what a shame… both n-gage and n-gageQD specs are too obsolete now… they must have a new hardware that would address the flaw of the 2 current model..

    – a landscape oriented screen (high-resolution and more colors)
    – more likely a high res. camera
    – better music software playback (support mp3, wma, aac and m4a)+ playlist
    – more battery life
    – more memory
    – and most of all a solid and ergonomic design and 3rd graphics capabilities for such platform.

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