Oxford Junior Dictionary ditches "beaver" and "budgerigar" for "blog" and "biodegradable"


The Oxford Junior Dictionary has been slowly removing loads of boring old nature and science words from its recent editions, replacing the likes of “guinea pig” and “monastery” with modern things kids need to know about like “MP3 player” and “broadband”.

This deeply shameful activity by the newly edgy and urban word-explainer has mainly seen numerous nature terms and animal names dumped, but plenty of Christian and other religious words have been removed too – to make way for the likes of “database” and “chatroom”. Ideal if you’re currently hot-housing your kid for a future career in IT…

Set a cookie! Blog about it! Most hated Internet words revealed

wikipedia.jpgYouGov has conducted a poll of over two-thousand UK adults, on behalf of the Lulu Blooker Prize (yes, blogs from books – blooker), and found out which Internet-inspired words are hated the most.

Top of the pile came “folksonomy”, a term used to describe a user-genreated web classification system (I have enough trouble getting my head around a taxonomy, without folk messing about with it).

Second came “blogosphere”, used to describe the universal collection of “blogs”, which came third.