Japan launches 'smell map' website


You’ve got to love the Japanese. They’ve created a website which maps smells across the globe. 200 so-called ‘smellists’ have joined the “Nioi-bu”, or Smell Club, and registered scents on a Google map.

The scents listed range from “A toasty odour of cow dung” to “used socks in the summer”. It’s unclear whether any of the smells are actually pleasant. If you speak Japanese, then go check it out and let us know in the comments.

Nioi-bu (via AP)

Related posts: Pomi: the smelly, emotional robot penguin from Korea | Smell-o-vision: NTT Communications trial aroma-emitting digital sign technology

Smell-o-vision: NTT Communications trial aroma-emitting digital sign technology

digital-aromatic-signs.jpgAs if our noses don’t get assaulted enough with vile scents in the form of pungent perfumes, stinky body odor, and overcooked food when out and about, a company over in Japan has created aroma-emitting digital sign technology.

Or ‘Smell-o-vision’, as our Editor In Chief, Stuart, described. Dubbed ‘Kaoru Digital Signage’ by NTT Communications, the electronic signs will be stationed outside the Kirin City Beer Hall at the Yaesu Shopping Mall in Tokyo…