Survey reveals 7-year-old girls hooked on Nintendo DS, not Barbie

nintendo_ds_pink.jpgA new survey by the kids gift wish list web site shows that a lot of young girls are no longer interested in the likes of Barbie – gaming technology is definitely the way to go if you want to remain a popular parent with your little darlings.

Boys tend to develop an interest in Gameboys and other hand held consoles from the age of four onwards, with girls latching onto the Nintendo DS by age seven.

From there on in, games consoles rule their lives until the teenage years, when technology had better consist of iPods, mobile phones, and computers, so that they can keep up with their hectic 21st century social life.

What punters can expect from the E3 expo this year

santamonicae3.jpg E3, the annual gaming expo held in Santa Monica, is being kicked off this week, and teh internets are rife with speculation. There’s been a few announcements already – namely that far from generous PS3 price cut – but what else can we expect from the gaming expo to end all gaming expos?

From our Sony PlayStation site,
– July 11th will see the official SCEA E3 press conference (downloadable on the PlayStation Network), and will no doubt contain the new Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer.
– Ninja Gaiden Sigma developer Tecmo has spoken to GameSpot over their dislike of the new E3 format…