3 and O2 launch EyeVibe mobile user generated video site

eyevibe_logo.jpg3 and O2 have announced that they’ve joined forces, bringing their two mobile video services (SeeMeTV and LookAtMe!) together to create what they claim is the UK’s largest open access mobile video community — EyeVibe.

Users are being encouraged to submit quality videos by enticing them with a cut of the download fee (10p per video) each time their content is accessed. Mobile users on flat rate data plans only have to pay for the clip, not any data charges, while other users will have to fork out additional data charges.

Ridley Scott disenchanted with mobile and computer technology killing cinema

ipod_video.jpgRidley Scott has spoken out against the technology which allows films to be watched on mobile devices and computer screens.

Speaking at the Venice Film Festival, he said that, while many aspects of new technology were “wonderful”, directors were “fighting technology”.

“We try to do films which are in support of cinema, in a large room with good sound and a big picture,” he said.

He wasn’t entirely clear what types of technology were killing cinema, but presumably he’s not a fan of the way films look in anything but the original format. That’s not a new problem for filmmakers.

Orange Pay-Off: 15 seconds to be a sexy, weird, dancer

orange.jpgOrange has launched its Pay-Off contest and is inviting its customers to submit 10-15 second video clips of themselves either trying to prove that they’re the sexiest person alive (Face-off), are the best/craziest dancer (Dance-off), or are just plain weird but couldn’t muster a longer clip on YouTube (Weird-off).

The best videos are entered into a series of play-off rounds, where users vote for their favourite and the winner then has to face a new challenge – though what that is isn’t clear yet.