Bush's Googlebomb hits Obama


Remember when bloggers, a few years back, “googlebombed” former US President George W Bush by linking his official biography to the phrase “miserable failure”? Well, along with the war in Iraq and a devastated economy, poor Obama looks to be inheriting Bush’s googlebomb, too.

Searches for “miserable failure” on Yahoo! and Live Search both bring up Obama’s bio. Google has successfully killed the bomb on its own search engine, however. In the meantime, one enterprising blogger has started a campaign to link the words “Cheerful Achievement” to Obama’s biography. Sounds good. Sign me up.

Cheerful Achievement (via SEO & Web Marketing News)

Related posts: Daily Mail journalist suffers the wrath of bloggers | Rumours of Google planning an incredible unlimited cloud storage service

Inauguration 2.0 – Presidents' speeches broken down into tag clouds


You can tell it’s the 21st Century. The good folks over at ReadWriteWeb have broken down the full text of Barack Obama’s inauguration speech yesterday into a tag cloud using Wordle.net. The results are interesting – “nation” and “new” come out on top. Click for embiggening.

Just for fun, they’ve also analysed the speeches of Bush in 2005, Clinton in 1999, Reagan in 1981 and Lincoln in 1861 and 1865. You can see the clouds after the jump, but it’s quite interesting to see how much Bush relied on the word ‘freedom’ Reagan on ‘government’ and Lincoln on ‘constitution’ first, and then ‘war’.



Last week, I rather shamefully took the crown with a score of 7,180 on Downhill Bowling. This week, you’ve got a chance, because I’m typing from a laptop and have to use a damn trackpad.

This week, we’ve got the resoundingly topical Sock and Awe. Chuck shoes at President Bush, get dragged out, get beaten in jail. Well, the first of those three, anyway. I managed a paltry 5 hits before getting ‘removed’ from the room. You can do better than that. Click here, and then let us know what you got in the comments below.

Sock and Awe

Related posts: Downhill Bowling | Metro Rules of Conduct

Fancy a bright red Bush?


Bush, fine purveyor of DAB radio wares, has announced that its popular, enticingly named TR04DAB DAB radio is getting a sensual makeover. It is now available in “luscious” Lip Gloss Red and also sports a “sexy” touchscreen control panel, specifically designed for over (under?) sexed people who need their audio appliances to ooze carnal vibes into the room as well as Radio 4.