Afghanistan may find itself without mobile coverage due to the Taliban's demands

Citizens of Afghanistan may find themselves without mobile phone coverage fairly soon, if Taliban rebels have anything to say about it.

They’re calling upon the network providers to cease operation between the hours of 5pm and 7am every night, as they claim Allied troops are able to locate Taliban members by hacking into the networks.

Four major networks are being targeted, the Roshan, Areeba, Etisalat and Afghan Wireless Communication Company. If the…

Vaughan Smith, English video journalist, Twittering live from Afghanistan

How many of us actually use Twitter for a worthwhile purpose – or even use it at all, these days? Most of my friends’ Twitter feeds are updated with dry accounts of whether they chose sushi or a sandwich for lunch – not the most interesting read, let me tell you!

Luckily there’s a video journalist out there who’s making all us Twitterers look good by association, and that man is Vaughan Smith…

Luckily there’s a video journalist out there who’s making all us Twitterers look good by association, and that man is Vaughan Smith…