5 games to play when you get bored of GTA5

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You know what it’s like – you spend long enough in one place and eventually you’ll want a change of scene. I don’t know about you, but since GTA5 was released – I’ve spent far more time than be healthy pounding the streets of Los Santos. Maybe it’s time for a holiday – so here’s five more games to try once you’re bored of GTA5.

James O’Malley
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  • Wow, someone online actually admitted GTA 5 gets boring after a while.

    You know, I must say, I’ve never gotten truly bored with Sleeping Dogs. Good first suggestion! 🙂

  • Wow, someone online actually admitted GTA 5 gets boring after a while.

    You know, I must say, I've never gotten truly bored with Sleeping Dogs. Good first suggestion! 🙂

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