General Imaging release iPico iPhone projector

Gadgets, iPhone, iPhone accessories, iPod Accessories, Projectors, Tech Digest news

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Looking to give a boost to your iPhone movie viewing? Feeling that sometimes your iPod/ iPhone screen is just a bit on the small side?Then check out this iPico projector from General Imaging.

This mini detachable projector will offer users of the iPod Touch and the iPhone a hand – held option to lugging around a huge projector to office meetings, family gatherings or camp fire movies. General Imaging’s iPico Projector will be able to project movies, photographs and videos filmed on the iPhone at up to a maximum screen projection size of 50″

The ipico also does away with endless lengths of cables due to it’s patented tidy pop – up connection point to attach your chosen Apple device to.The iPico Projector available in white will also come with a fair price tag of $129.99.

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