Twitter cashtags let you track stocks and shares in 140 characters

Tech Digest news, Twitter

twitter-cashtags.jpgTwitter have introduced a new ticker symbol that will make it easier for visitors to their micro-blogging social network to track stocks and shares or markets and companies.

Dubbed the “cashtag”, popping it in front of a search time will give a user information on the ebb and flow of a company’s financial fortunes. Apple are among the popular tech cashtags so far, though expect to see multiple search terms for each brand. In Apple’s case, that so far includes both $Apple and $AAPL.

However, Twitter have been accused of “hijacking” the new feature by StockTwits CEO Howard Lindzon, whose similar service was said to be not of interest by Twitter, which it now quite patently is.

Lindzon wrote on his blog that he regards it as the “ultimate compliment”, though “in a dirty way”. Lindzon’s unlikely to consider it any form of compliment at all if the new feature eventually eclipses and destroys StockTwits.

Gerald Lynch
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