Facebook launch new Camera app

Facebook, iPhone apps, Tech Digest news

facebook-camera-app.jpgFacebook have just launched a new photography and picture sharing app, and it’s got more than a hint of Instagram about it.

Facebook Camera lets you browse photos from your individual Facebook friends, letting you blow them up to full-screen size or browse them through a tile-based interface. You can also browse specific albums, and for the first time with a Facebook app upload multiple photographs in one go.

The Instagram comparisons come into play when you’re actually creating snaps through the app. You can edit photo’s with 15 retro-looking filters, making even a novice’s shots look significantly cooler.

Facebook recently acquired Instagram in a giant $1billion deal, but the final processes of the deal have been delayed as the American Federal Trade Commission investigates whether or not the partnership is anti-competitive. Perhaps when the deal goes through even more of Instgram’s technologies will seep into Facebook Camera.

The app is available now for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. No word yet on the app hitting other mobile platform’s, but Facebook’s wide customer base would suggest that something would be in the works for Android at the very least.

Gerald Lynch
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