Web designers take note: 1366 x 768 is now most popular screen resolution

Internet, Tech Digest news

statcounter-screen-resolution.jpgTime to shred those go-to page templates web designers; there’s a new king of screen resolutions in town.

According to web analytics team StatCounter, they’ve seen a shift in the most popular screen resolution from 1024 x 768 to 1366 x 768 between March 2009 and March 2012. It’s a drop from 41.8 percent in March 2009 to 18.6 percent of web users in March 2012 for 1024 x 768, and a rise from 0.68 percent to 19.28 percent over the same period for 1366 x 768.

The move to a wider resolution has coincided with the growth in popularity in netbooks, where 1366 x 768 is the most widely used resolution; it seems many more of us are browsing the web on our laptops than on a desktop monitor these days.

1280 x 800 is the third most popular resolution at 13 percent. All other resolutions barely have 1% of the market share each.

Click here for more info.

Gerald Lynch
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