Sponsored video: IT and humanity


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By KfirGodrich

Thurstein Velben said that “invention is the mother of necessity” – certainly this is something that is describing very well the IT drivers of the current year.

If you agree that your business is just as good as the IT running it, then you can certainly understand the shift we took from focusing on efficiency towards productivity. This trend is not only imposing a culture of innovation for the enterprise, rather than better utilization, but also creates a mechanism of pressure from the management level downstream. This method is based on output measurement. Therefore, the increased requirements for business intelligence are taking a stake of about one third out of all IT technologies segments across all industries nowadays.

To support the directions mentioned earlier, the IT industry is changing accordingly; from being supported out of pairs of high availability data centers towards multiple distributed data centers with lower availability (Cloud Computing models might include also combination of the mentioned schemes).

The owned or outsourced models are based on minimized CAPEX and OPEX followed by variable services cost models. The former efficiency process turns into an optimized “transfer function” such as ROI (Return of Investment) or equivalent. The physical enabler of that approach is the “Industrialized IT” – the ability to put IT into the business in a fast, affordable, modular and scalable fashion.

But behind the inventions, the strategies, the technologies and the implementations stand people that devote their time and skills to take the clients business forward, supporting the decision makers with the methodology and tools leading to the right decision.

The new HP “Humanity” campaign, which I’m proud to be part of, is providing a closer look into the ways in which we are trying to help our customers with innovative Technology Services. Hope you’ll take some time to visit and “connect” with me and my colleagues at www.hp.com/go/tsconnect. So although Einstein said that “it is appallingly obvious that our technology exceeds our humanity”, maybe we can do something to compensate there.

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