To use a mobile phone in North Korea is now a war crime. Thanks, Dear Dead Leader!

Mobile phones, Tech Digest news, Weirdness

kim-jong-il-dead.jpgAs if the constantly-looming threat of death by execution and imprisonment in hard labour camps wasn’t enough, North Koreans have a new strictly punishable rule that must be adhered to. Those caught using a mobile phone will now be branded a war criminal by the dictatorial state which, we’d imagine, is an offence punishable with imprisonment in a hard labour camp and/or execution too.

That’s because the totalitarian government believe that all citizen’s excess energies, when not working to the bone for little or no reward, should be spent mourning the late “Dear Leader” Kim Jong-il II. The no-mobiles rule is part of the 100-day state-imposed “mourning period” for the bespectacled one with a love of looking at things.

In a somewhat cruel irony, it’s unlikely that the new law will affect all that many North Koreans. As The Next Web point out, less than 5% of the poverty-stricken population own a mobile phone anyway.

Via: The Telegraph

Gerald Lynch
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One thought on “To use a mobile phone in North Korea is now a war crime. Thanks, Dear Dead Leader!

  • For those working in retail mobiles have plenty of uses. A buyer who is out choosing new stock can call other staff for advice or even send photographs of potential stock via their phones and gain managers approval. This saves time as correct decisions are made the first time. With mobile phones having such a variety of applications every industry can benefit from their use.

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