Google Earth 6 goes green with 3D trees

Google, Tech Digest news

Feeling your Google Earth forestry was a little flat? Not enough bush in your undergrowth? Well the search giants have just brought their Google Earth mapping and navigation software up to version 6, and with it comes the addition of 3D trees.

Head into the 3D buildings view to get a glimpse of the greenery, with “dozens” of rendered tree species on show.

“While we’ve just gotten started planting trees in Google Earth, we already have more than 80 million trees in places such as Athens, Berlin, Chicago, New York City, San Francisco and Tokyo,” said Peter Birch, product manager at Google Earth.

“Through our Google Earth Outreach program, we’ve also been working with organizations including the Green Belt Movement in Africa, the Amazon Conservation Team in Brazil and CONABIO in Mexico to model our planet’s threatened forests.”

Perhaps a more useful addition is the more intuitive integration of Street View. The orange Street View peg man now sits alongside the navigation controls, and can be dragged anywhere that Google’s camera vans have documented.

Historical imagery is also easier to search, with a status bar along the bottom offering as old as information or imagery is available for a selected spot.

Grab the latest version of Google Earth for free by clicking here.


Gerald Lynch
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