Facebook privacy settings to be simplified within weeks

Facebook, Tech Digest news

Facebook thumb.pngFacebook are planning to streamline their convoluted privacy settings within a matter of weeks, after many have claimed that making their personal information less public was too confusing.

Speaking on US Radio, Facebook’s Chief of Public Policy Tim Sparapani said that ” “We are going to be providing options for users who want simplistic bands of privacy that they can choose from and I think we will see that in the next couple of weeks.”

Despite the controversy surrounding the overwhelming 170 individual privacy settings Facebook features, Sparapani claimed the social network “should be getting credit for giving tools in the first place”. In comparison, he said many similar companies offer “no privacy settings at all”.

Saparani went on to praise the Facebook Like button and Open Graph, allowing tailored versions of external websites for Facebook users, going as far as to call it “an extraordinary gift to the public.”

It’s good to see Facebook moving swiftly to have confidence in their network restored, but it’ll be interesting to see how many of their users has now been pushed too far by the bewildering privacy settings.

Gerald Lynch
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