Twitter users into sex more than Facebook users


There’s a great feature on Ad Age about what your favourite social network says about you. It features the results of a survey by Anderson Analytics and is designed to help brands identify users’ surfing habits and interests.

Lots of the stuff we know – people spend a lot of time on their chosen site, nearly 10% stay logged in all day long etc, and there’s some other really interesting stuff, mainly about brands.

The stuff about Twitter users is priceless. Apparently if you useTwitter you drink loads of coffee, are entrepreneurial (no surprise there as the vast majority of early Twitter users were from the start up community) and are interested in news and new things.

Best of all though you are more likely to interested in sex than the average Facebook
user – aah so that’s what all those Tweet-Ups are about. Facebook users are are more likely to be married (40%), white (80%) and retired (6%) than users of the other social networks (whereas MySpace users are more likely to be black (9%) or Hispanic (7%). Facebookers are also the richest and most loyal to their site.

LinkedIn users like golf, sports, politics and gambling and surprisingly soap operas.
A couple of caveats – firstly the survey was done in the US, not worldwide, and secondly the research only looked at 1250 users. Anyway check it out – it’s an interesting read.

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