SHINY REVIEW: Zara destroys the indestrucable JCB mobile phone

Mobile phones

Ok, hands up who knew JCB made a phone? Nah, me neither. Apparently the news is slightly inconsequential though, seeing as their selling point is that it’s tough. I wonder how they’d like the strap line “The JCB phone – so tough that it breaks when you drop it a bit”?

Fair enough, it’s waterproof and it’s got a torch but, personally, if I can’t throw it from a tall building, I don’t want to know.

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Daniel Sung
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  • Great reporting – apart from the fact you should do your research. Sonim is a totally separate company from JCB and JCB does not make this phone. But, hey, why let something like facts get in the way of such a compelling report

  • Great reporting – apart from the fact you should do your research. Sonim is a totally separate company from JCB and JCB does not make this phone. But, hey, why let something like facts get in the way of such a compelling report

  • ‘Big Scary Diggers!’

    Classic. With the videos entertainment value marred by the facts that a) the product is boring, and b) the product is broken, we’re thrown some comedy cutesy-ness for good measure.

    Loving your work, Zara.

  • I’m not sure what I recognised first, you or the wallpaper!

    Dear God do I have a crush on Isla Traquair. Ooh, said that out loud didn’t I…

    • Yeah, they were just in at lunch time. I should be doing a bit on Sky News next Wednesday. I shall of course be expecting my own trailer complete with jacuzzi šŸ˜‰

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