SEGA launches marginally disappointing online "casual" gaming portal PlaySEGA

Gaming, Intellectual Property, Internet, Web 2.0, Websites

playsega-space-hopper.jpgThe once-mighty SEGA has nailed its colours to the “casual, internet” gaming mast, with the launch of PlaySEGA – a little portal rammed with simple games and colourful logos that might just hold the average teenager’s attention long enough for a game to finish downloading.

It’s not just about trading on former glories, PlaySEGA’s got actually NEW stuff on there to play that’s been made specifically for the service, should you, for some odd reason, be tired of slogging through Sonic 2 or Golden Axe on your emulator of choice.

As is fashionable these days, users are encouraged to sign in and create a wacky and possibly zany avatar symbolising their unique, deep and brooding personalities before playing, with “Escape Areas” – personal profile pages based around visual themes – gradually building up with unlockable content to give you something to boast about to any people you can find that might be interested in your virtual achievements.

There’s also a PlaySEGA VIP area, which’ll cost money to enter, granting you access to slightly higher-class and well-known gaming experiences than the existing rather weak and generic tat like Space Hopper and Off the Rails, games which aren’t going to convince anyone that SEGA’s still a force to be reckoned with.

(Via PlaySEGA)

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Gary Cutlack
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