Scientists invent brain-wiping tool for use on feeble mouse brains

Biotechnology, Health, Science, Weirdness

mouse-brain-wipe.jpgIf you’ve just been caught doing something by a mouse, science has come up with a useful way to get you off the hook – it can now erase the memories of mice.

This would also mean you could tell a mouse a joke, erase its memory, then tell it the joke again. A mouse could also watch “Total Recall” and be amazed, then erase its own memory of ever having watched “Total Recall” and be amazed by it all over again. Plus you could buy your mouse the same present for Christmas every year and it would never know. The real-world applications for this technology are boundless.

Although neurobiologist Joe Tsien of the Medical College of Georgia, inventor of the mouse brain-wipe, told Reuters it’s unlikely to be scalable to human brains, pointing out that “The human brain is so complex and dramatically different from the mouse brain. That’s why I say I don’t think it’s possible you can do the same thing in humans.”

So you’re stuck with that horrific memory of what you did in that doorway at 2.35am last Christmas Eve for life.

(Via Reuters)

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Gary Cutlack
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