"New Batteries Directive" could force Apple to ship European iPhone with removable battery

iPhone, iPod

iphone_with_aa_battery.jpgCritics of Apple’s decision to ship portable devices fitted with a non-removable battery may get their way if a new European Union directive is passed.

In simple terms, the “New Batteries Directive” is supposed to ensure that the batteries in gadgets must be easily removable prior to the device being disposed of.

Apple offers a free recycling service for its products when they reach the end of their life, but this may not be enough. The directive would ensure that consumers could easily remove the battery, with the company providing details of how to do so safely. This would supposedly cut down on the risk of equipment being thrown away with batteries still in place.

As with most EU legislation, there’s a lot of red tape and bureaucracy to get through before anything changes. Don’t expect to see user-replaceable power packs on iPods and iPhones any time soon.

(Via AppleInsider)

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Andy Merrett
For latest tech stories go to TechDigest.tv


  • This infornation is not correct. The Directive states Article 11 “that Member States shall ensure that manufacturers design appliances in such a way that waste batteries and accumulators can be readily removed. Latest guidance document QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON THE BATTERIES DIRECTIVE (2006/66/EC)states “End-users or professionals (e.g. appliance service centres, waste treatment facilities) should be able to remove batteries from appliances”. Please note the word OR in the guidance document. This does not imply that consumers must be able to remove the batteries.

    • I was alluding to the fact that Apple would be exempt with its recycling programme. Thing is, none of this stops consumers just chucking a gadget away when it’s dead, and those without removable batteries are even less likely to be disposed of properly.

      Recycling is the way to go — though I still have an old mobile phone sitting on my desk that hasn’t made it into Carphone Warehouse’s little plastic pouch yet.

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