The Future Generator: the London Transport Museum's survey to show London life in 2055

Energy systems, Websites

future-generator.jpgThe London Transport Museum and Orange are asking the public what urban life will be like in the year 2055 with the Future Generator game.

The site runs parallel to an interactive exhibition at the museum and attempts to collate the results of as many people as possible to paint a realistic picture of how our cities might look in 50 years time.

It’s all done by some simple and seemingly rather obvious two-option, eco questions akin to “Would you rather blow up the planet or recycle things?” and I suppose the idea is to assess attitude, rather than behaviour, in the most universal way possible. It’s worth a go.

I managed to create a green and effective, if slightly depressing, future with the only downside that I somehow managed to wipe out all the butterflies. No idea how that happened, unless they know about my personal vendetta against all those moths I keep catching in my wardrobe feasting on my jumpers. They must die, they must die.

Future Generator

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Daniel Sung
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One thought on “The Future Generator: the London Transport Museum's survey to show London life in 2055

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