Keiko Takamura's Second Life myPod: download real tracks for Linden Dollars

Digital Music, Gaming


Second life musicians have a new tool at their disposal known as the myPod. Designed by acclaimed SL songstress, Keiko Takamura, the device allows users to download actual MP3s of SL musicians which can be played in the real world.

Artists can put the myPod next to the stage at their live SL shows where people can use it to pay for the tracks in Linden Dollars, the SL currency. The users then receive a URL where the purchased MP3s can be downloaded.

The myPod opens up the metaverse for bands gaining recognition in Second Life but with no press to speak of in the real world. Fans would now have direct access to artists’ work and the musicians would have a chance to convert their SL renown into actual financial success.

(via New World Notes)

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Daniel Sung
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