Turn down your speakers – all South Park episodes now available online, uncensored

Internet, Online TV

sp_title.jpgThe creators of South Park are now offering every episode in the catalogue, free and uncensored, from their recently revamped website, South Park Studios.

The site now also offers a library of 3,000 episode clips and previews.

Part of Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s new three-season contract extension means Comedy Central have agreed to fund the digital arm of South Park, whilst giving the duo equal partnership.

Matt Stone said: “Three more years of South Park will give us the opportunity to offend that many more people, and since Trey and I are in charge of the digital side of South Park, we can offend people on their cellphones, game consoles, and computers too. It’s all very exciting for us.”

Right now full episodes are only available in the US, but according to the Anglocentric alert on the website, they’ll be here soon.

Richard Gilzene
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