Veteran Hollywood director recuts 'Success', re-releases on Google Video - Tech Digest
Until now, only about four copies of William Richert's dark 80s fairy tale, 'American Success Company', were known to exist (one owned by a television network, one by Steven Spielberg, and two VHS dubs, one owned by me). Richert has remastered the 1983 release of his picture, retitled 'Success', starring Jeff Bridges, Ned Beatty and Bianca Jagger. Not only is Richert selling DVDs of it directly, but has also put the entire movie on his website, in chunks hosted at Google Video. This movie was so obscure that it was never even released on VHS. Richert has also placed complete Google Video of his movies Aren't You Even Going To Kiss Me Goodbye, The Man in the Iron Mask and Winter Kills (also starring Jeff Bridges). Richert is currently involved with The Vindicator, a mobster drama that will be released on the internet. Dailies of The Vindicator after the jump. [GT]
Gabrielle Taylor