I'll show you if Greedo shot first: Lucas to post clips of Star Wars for fans to edit - Tech Digest
As part of the 30th anniversary Star Wars celebration, George Lucas is posting about 250 clips from all six Star Wars films on the Star Wars website and allowing fans to edit them any way they wish. Fans must use an editing program from Eyespot Corp, which will make the editing process simpler by using basic dragging, clicking and pasting but will also monitor the clips to ensure they do not contain nudity , pornography "and the like". Lucas seems to be doing this basically to try to control the wild powers of the internet, which are far too goofy and exuberant to be constrained by any kind of simple editing software. But it's nice to see the kid try. [GT] Make-It-Yourself 'Star Wars: Lucasfilm Will Post Clips From Film Saga on the Web, Inviting Fans to Edit at Will (sic) [via CrunchGear]
Gabrielle Taylor