Buy a MiG 21F military jet on eBay

eBay goodies from Bayraider, Top stories

migjet.JPGWhy? Why not?! It’s not every day that you get a chance to buy a prime Cold War-era military jet, after all. This Russian-built plane has a max speed of 1,385 mph, a max range of 721 miles, and contains one 7,500kg afterburning thrust Tumanskii R-25 turbojet. I’ve no idea whether that’s any good, but it sounds bloody marvellous.

It’s currently going for $25,700, although if you pay an extra $5,000, the seller will deliver it to you on a tractor, which is too good a mental image to be spoilt by the fact that they probably don’t mean the kind of tractor a Wurzel would drive. Finally, don’t worry – the jet has been fully demilitarised, and has the certificate to prove it.

MiG 21F jet on eBay

Stuart Dredge
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