3 offers cash for zany clips

Mobile phones

today also unveiled a service that suggests to us that a few of its top execs have spent a little bit too much time recently watching re-runs of You’ve Been Framed. It is offering its customers (it now has 3.2 million subscribers) cash to share their video clips.

Users send in thirty second video clips which are then uploaded to the ‘See Me TV’ channel for other 3 customers to view. Each time a clip is downloaded by a 3 customer the performer gets paid 1p, and 3 is promising that some contributors could make thousands of cash for their efforts.

Credits are paid by PayPal.

See Me TV is accessed via the 3 Services menu and is updated daily. To help viewers navigate through the thousands of mini-movie clips that will be available they are divided into categories, from ‘Stupid Stuff’ to ‘Cuddly’ and ‘Dead Impressive’. The most popular clips appear at the top of the browser to help cut straight through to the top talent. All clips are presented with the name of the ‘director’ and a title to encourage performers to add attention.

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