Today's top tech stories from the US


Today’s serving of juicy, digestable tech news, straight from the US.

Sirius S50 Portable Satellite Radio Player (i4u): Really nice looking MP3 player with a built-in satellite tuner. It also comes with voice assisted channel navigation, which makes it cooler.

Japanese Supersonic Passenger Plane (i4u): Undergoing an unmanned test soon, and is supposed to hit mach 2, which I think you’ll agree is pretty nippy.

Gameboy Micro Playtest (Kotaku, via Gizmodo): Some lucky git’s managed to get his hands on a micro and is going to rubbing our faces in it via a series of online reports all day. Lucky us.

Gemini iKey Portable USB recorder (engadget): Neat little device, cheaper then a lot of other stuff on the market.

The Morphy Richards 29204 (daprevew): What edition of ‘Top Tech…’ would be complete without a weirdly shaped MP3 player?

Chris Cornwell
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