Napster's trump cards

MP3 players

Here at TD we are big fans of Napster and its subscription service, especially the way it lets users browse through its library and stream any tracks/albums they fancy.

However we in the UK are still waiting for Napster to play its trump cards.

Firstly why is it that while American subscribers get a free Rio Chiba music player Brits who sign up for a year get diddley-squat?

Secondly microsoft has recently been telling the press how Napster will soon allow subscribers (it costs £9.95 a month) to port any tracks from its 750,000 strong library on to a WMA equipped Digital Rights Management-friendly music player such as those from Creative and Rio.

Sounds great in theory. You get to fill up your player with tracks quicky and easily for not much of an outlay. It beats paying money to Apple and Sony.

Of course the tracks disappear when you cancel your Napster subs…

Still it would be a smart move and here’s hoping the site offers this sooner rather than later.

Lastly, remember the Samsung Napster player? Wasn’t it due in July? We’re still waiting.


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